Edgar’s Story

Our journey in property investment started with the purchase of our first home — a cosy two-bedroom townhouse located just within city limits. It was a modest sized home but it was the perfect location to begin our life together. My wife, Camila and I were ready to embark on our exciting journey together.

We were 20 & 21 years of age, it was easier to start our life together by renting an apartment but for me, rent was a waste of money. I wanted our money to go toward our own property. We found our first home and closed on November of 2003. It was a 2 bedroom and 2.5 bath townhouse which was far from being our dream home but it was ours — and that was a great start for us. The plan was that we would only live in it for a few years while we worked towards the next property.

Raised by a single, hard-working mom I learned at a very young age the value of hard-earned money. I started to earn money offering to cut the neighbor’s yards for $15. I would then take those earnings and buy packs of Blow Pops and Sour Candy in order to sell it for a profit. I would then use my money to buy whatever I wanted.

Soon after graduating from high school I found work as a commissioned sales rep while I put myself through community college. One of those jobs was at Circuit City as a computer sales counselor where I quickly earned recognition as part of the top 100 club and then at Sprint PCS as a sales rep where I placed myself in the top 2% of the best sales reps in the nation.

Sales, managing, and investing has always come natural to me and it’s what I want to do. Starting a business in real estate investing has been a dream of mine and now after working towards it, I have built “REI from Houston”.

Thank you for being here. I’m looking forward to sharing my incredible journey with you!